Notice: UPS will not be picking up shipments on Monday January 20. As a result, all urgent & rush orders will be processed and shipped the following day.

E-Zee Tear® Away Crisp

E-Zee Tear® Away basic embroidery stabilizers are non-woven and easy to tear. They are ideal for use with stable woven fabrics such as denim, canvas, woven jacket backs and other stable fabrics. They help with hooping and provide stability during the embroidery process. Choose the weight of a Tear Away stabilizer based on the type of fabric and the design’s size and density. The larger and denser the design, the heavier the weight of embroidery stabilizer needed. The excess stabilizer is torn away from the inside and outside of the embroidered design, leaving a clean look on the back side of the garment.

Looking for soft Tear Away Backing? Go here to view them!

Download a COMPLETE and FREE to you: 4-page E-Zee Backing & Topping® user guide.

Product Information Sheets:

E-Zee Tear® Lightweight Crisp 1.0 oz.

E-Zee Tear® Crisp 1.5 oz.

E-Zee Tear® Plus-Crisp 1.8 oz.

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