E-Zee Tear® Away Soft

Tear  Soft stabilizers are soft to the touch. They tear away easily with minimal stress to the fabric and embroidery designs. When torn away, soft micro fibers remain and eventually wash away once laundered. The more they are laundered, the softer they feel. Great for towels, linens, jacket backs and also for when stabilizing is no longer needed to support the design such as with denim, canvas and other heavy woven fabrics. These soft, tear away products are NOT intended for use when complete removal is necessary such as with Free Standing Lace designs.

Looking for a more crisp Tear Away Backing? Go here to view them!

Download a COMPLETE and FREE to you: 4-page E-Zee Backing & Topping® user guide.

Product Information Sheets:

E-Zee Tear® Soft 1.5 oz.

E-Zee Tear® Plus-Soft 1.8 oz.

E-Zee Tear® Hefty-Soft 2.0 oz.


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