Notice: UPS will not be picking up shipments on Monday January 20. As a result, all urgent & rush orders will be processed and shipped the following day.

E-Zee Aqua® Supreme Topping

E-Zee Aqua® Supreme Topping 20 micron is a water-soluble topping that prevents intricate parts of the design from sinking into the nap or pile and getting lost. The crispness of a design can be enhanced as well, especially when using a thinner 60 or 75 weight thread. Use on top of high profile fabric such as fleece, sweaters, corduroy and other soft knits.

Download a COMPLETE and FREE to you: 4-page E-Zee Backing & Topping® user guide.

Product Information Sheets:

E-Zee Aqua® Supreme Topping 20 micron

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