

Thread Prefixes with Put-up (yardage)

Many of Madeira’s thread colors are available in various weights and put-ups (yardage). Thread pre-fixes determine which thread to order. Prefixes are also located on the back of each thread chart.

The chart below will assist in determining the correct prefix to use when ordering thread. A thread item number consist of a prefix, a dash (-) and then the color number.

Example #1

Item #910-1000 is a 5,500 yard cone of Classic Rayon #40 in Black

Example #2

Item #919-1801 is a 1,100 yard Mini Snap Cone (MSC) of Polyneon #40 in White


Madeira Thread Prefixes


Classic Rayon #40

910 (5,500 yards)

911 (1,100 yards)

Polyneon #40

918 (5,500 yards)

919 (1,100 yards)


940 (2,700 yards)

942 (1,100 yards)

Classic Rayon #60

915S (1,640 yards)

Polyneon #60

924 (1,640 yards)

CR Metallic #40

978 (2,700 yards)

Classic Rayon #30

921 (3,300 yards)

914 (714 yards)

Polyneon Green #40

718 (5,500 yards)

FS #40

986 (5,500 yards)

985 (1,100 yards)

Sensa Green #40

710 (5,500 yards)


Supertwist #30

982 (5,500 yards)

983 (1,100 yards)

FS #30

980 (5,500 yards)

979 (2,734 yards)

Burmilana #12

813 (1,100 yards)

BurmilanaCo #12

816  (1,100 yards)

FS #20

981 (612 yards)

Luna #40

127 (820 yards)

Reflect #40

442 (547  yards)

Fire Fighter #40

929 (2,734 yards)

922 (1,000 yards)