

Instructions for Washing Embroidered Garments

Especially important for embroidered garments being washed for the first time.

General Guidelines:

  1. For best results, wash in warm water with a mild detergent. Check color cards for laundering recommendations. 

  2. Do not add bleaching agents such as chlorine, peroxide or sodium carbonate.

  3. Do not line dry. Embroidered garments should be tumble dried at warm setting.

  4. Never leave damp or wet embroidered articles folded or stuck together.

  5. Never wring out any embroidered articles.

  6. Never leave embroidered articles soaking in water.

  7. Garments or linen that may be commercially laundered should be embroidered with polyester thread.

  8. If the first laundering of a new garment is done in cool or cold water, leftover dye particles from the thread may remain on the fabric. This does not mean the article is ruined. Rewash in warm water. The remaining particles will wash out.

  9. If water is introduced prior to the first laundering such as with steam or water to remove water soluble topping, the over-dye that usually washes away during the initial laundering can be released. If this happens, wash the garment in the warmest water recommended for both the thread and garment. Depending on water conditions, you may need to repeat the washing until all excess dye has been removed. Do not tumble dry the garment until it is free and clean of over-dye.